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Kitty Alice

I look to work holistically, looking at the whole person and their lifestyle rather than individual symptoms. I think everything is connected, from how we think, eat, move and act. Seeing people develop into the version of themselves they want to be and being a part of that journey is what I love most about my job. My lived experience means I have a particular interest in physical rehabilitation and eating disorders, I understand the complexity of these and uniqueness in the progression.

Specialty​ : Athlete Nutrition, Complex Eating Patterns, Complex Eating patterns, Eating Disorder Support, Eating Disorders, Eating disorders, Medical Conditions, Menopause, Physical Health, Pre and Post-natal pregnancy, Pre&Post Rehabilitation Mobility, Strength & Conditioning, TASS athletes, Unsure, Vitamins and minerals, Weight maintenance, Weightloss, Yoga
Age Group : >12 years, 12-18yrs, 19-25 yrs, 25-35yrs, 45-55 yrs, 55-65 yrs, 65+ yrs
Experience : 7 years.
Gender : Female
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