How To Cope with the Easing of Lockdown


Since the government’s most recent COVID announcement, many people are beginning to feel anxious about the easing of lockdown rules. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding these adjustments which can make many of us feel anxious.

Here are some tips to deal with some of those anxieties:

Ways to adjust to the workplace after working from home

  • Check your schedule. This can help you prepare yourself, so it doesn’t come as a shock. 
  • Get in touch with your employer about the safety measures that are in place. All workplaces will have safety precautions in place before anyone returns to work. 
  • Lots of companies have inside mental health support schemes for their employees, most of which offer free talking therapies. Contact your employer to find out if there is anything available.

Coping with Anxiety

  • Go at your own pace! If you are feeling anxious about this newfound freedom, don’t worry. Make a list of all the places you need to go and people you want to see and disregard anything that doesn’t make it on the list until you feel comfortable enough to tackle it.
  • Distraction, distractions work well on a short-term basis as they can keep your mind off your worries for a short period of time. However, if you think you’re dealing with more severe mental health issues and it’s affecting your ability to carry out daily functions then seeking help from a professional will provide better-coping strategies.

People usually feel at their best when they have a routine that they can stick to and don’t respond well to sudden change. After spending months in lockdown, most people have adapted to the new ‘normal’ and find it distressing now we’re being encouraged to leave the house and return to life before lockdown.

It is completely normal to feel apprehensive or nervous during this time as there are so much uncertainty and confusion surrounding the risks of getting back outside. If you’re feeling concerned about the extent to which your anxieties are affecting you and your daily life, get in touch with your GP.

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