Children’s Mental Health Week

In the last 3 years, mental health disorders have increased from 1 in 9 (2017) to 1 in 6 (2020) (, and 90% of school administrators have reported an increase in the number of students experiencing stress or anxiety over the last 5 years. (
Mental Health Signs To Look Out For
- Difficulty concentrating
- Missing school
- Lack of sleep
- Withdrawal from social interaction
- Headaches/stomach pains
- Persistent sadness (2+ weeks)
- Changes in eating habits
- Extreme negative talk
- Outbursts/irritability
- Weight loss
- Self-harm
How Teachers Can Help
- Model good behaviour/habits
- Talk about mental health openly in the classroom and around school
- Listen and empathise with students who need support.
- Advise additional support if necessary Introduce mindful techniques into the classroom
- Introduce the mental health spectrum into the classroom and be aware of signs for each part of the spectrum.
An Introduction To Mindfulness
Panic & anxiety attack breathing technique
Practice for at least 2 minutes, imagine a lit candle. Inhale deeply through the nose and take a controlled exhale through the mouth with just enough force to make the candle flicker, but not too much that it blows the candle out.

Kindness Meditation – Offering good wishes and compassion to others
5. Bring someone else to mind now, someone you don’t know as well and send them a kind wish.
6. Finally, bring to mind someone who has upset or frustrated you recently and send them a kind wish
7. Check-in with your mind and body as this practice ends.
1. Find a comfortable sitting position. Close your eyes.
2. Bring to mind someone whom you respect and love.
3. Be aware of how you feel when you think of this person
4. Make a wish and send it their way (something that would make them happy)
What can Counterpoise Wellness offer?
- School & class seminars
- Morning mindfullness sessions
- Practitioners i.e. nutritionists & mental health practitioners